The Foundation Workshop 6

What a week! We just wrapped up The Foundation Workshop 6, which is an intensive hands on workshop for wedding photographers who wish to step out of their comfort zones and get a new perspective on shooting and telling a picture story. The workshop was lead by an amazing group of photographers from all over the country(Huy Nguyen, Greg Gibson, Amy Deputy, Tyler Wirken, and Brooks Whittington). This year’s group included 5 teams of 5 students, each with a team leader, two shooting mentors, a team assistant and a crew of volunteers and support staff.

Photographed by Ben Chrisman.

Scott and I have been participating and volunteering since Fw2, we always look forward for this time of the year as we get to see old friends and make new ones. ^_^ This time both of us wore a different hats; in addition to both being the archivists for the workshop, I was assistant to Brook’s team and Scott was an A/V technician, and also was critiquing portforlios/website for the participants.

Being part of a team and in the company of so many amazing photographers is humbling and inspiring and we can’t wait for FW7 to come around. We have so many new ideas to make everything even better next year!

Check out some images shot by various people at the workshop:

Me and Anna Kuperberg.

Greg Gibson.

Mark Adams for LaCour.

Emilie; one of lovely mentors from my team. Photographed by Allegra.

My wonderful friend and team lead; Brooks. Photographed by Joe Dickie.

To all my team, Kerry Ryan, Anil Tohani, Ande Aguilar, Joe Wang and Aga Agnieszka. Thanks for letting me be a part of your lives and thanks once again for touching mine.